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Veterinary Seminars

You are not alone.

Working as an equine professional can sometimes be lonely and discouraging as you do your best to serve the horses in your care with passion, expertise and dedication but you are still facing the same ongoing chronic challenges.


At Heart Equine, we know you because we are you. 


After years of struggling in her practice to help her clients achieve the performance goals they dreamed of without constantly managing chronic issues, Dr. Rachel Bellini knew there had to be a better way. Over the past decades, she has spent hundreds of hours developing tools and resources to help you thrive in your practice so you can break out of the cycles and systematically and conclusively address chronic issues once and for all.


Join one of these intensive RACE-approved equine seminars where you can receive CE credits and the support, insight and connections you are craving to help you take your practice and your clients to the next level. Dr. Rachel Bellini focuses her lectures on helping you integrate principles related to the equine nervous system with your specific focus and specialty, enhancing your skills with actionable tools.


In five hours of lecture followed by three hours of lab work, you'll discover ways of developing stability, coordination and healing for issues including:  kissing spine, SI pain, headshaking, laterality, lameness and more. Learn not only how to identify dysfunctional spinal biomechanics, dural torque and trauma patterns that are preventing the horses in your care to be able to respond to your treatment, but effective principles and practices that you can incorporate immediately to make a difference.



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Fill out this form to learn more about hosting a RACE-approved CE seminar for equine veterinarians.

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